1101Food Analysis and Experiment II -四技食品境專三甲
Course Period:Now ~ Any Time
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Course Intro

Course Plan

  • spectra_analysis.pdf
  • Essential_FTIR
  • Process Analytical Technology in the food industry
  • Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometrics as a Cost-Effective, Rapid, and Non-Destructive Tool for Fish Fraud Control: Monitoring Source, Condition, and Nutritional Value of Five Common Whitefish Species
  • Non-Destructive Measurement of the Internal Quality of Citrus Fruits Using a Portable NIR Device
  • 蛍光指紋による食品の品質評価技術とその応用
  • 蛍光指紋情報のデータマイニングによる食品品質評価
  • Quantification of the distributions of gluten, starch and air bubbles in dough at different mixing stages by fluorescence fingerprint imaging
  • Detection of Food Residues on Stainless Steel Surfaces Using Fluorescence Fingerprint
  • HYPER-Tools Free Graphical User Interface Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Analysis
  • The Quadram Institute Example Datasets for Download
  • Public data sets for multivariate data analysis
  • Application of Functional Data Analysis and FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy to Discriminate Wine Spirits Ageing Technologies
  • FTIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Can Distinguish the Geographic Origin of Extra Virgin Olive Oils
  • Olive oil assessment in edible oil blends by means of ATR-FTIR and chemometrics
  • EEM_applejuice.R.pdf
  • FTIR_Spectra_olive_oils.R.pdf
  • HPLCforweb.R.pdf
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021 PartI
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartII
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartIII
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartIV
  • Single-digit ppm quantification of melamine in powdered milk driven by computer vision
  • Chemometrics-assisted color histogram-based analytical systems
  • Feasibility study on quantification and authentication of the cassava starch content in wheat flour for bread-making using NIR spectroscopy and digital images
  • Scaling the Analytical Information Given by Several Types of Colorimetric and Spectroscopic Instruments Including Smartphones: Rules for Their Use and Establishing Figures of Merit of Solid Chemosensors
  • Application of Raman Spectroscopic Methods in Food Safety: A Review
  • 小型拉曼光谱设备在农药残留领域的应用
  • Different Method For Moisture Measurement
  • Polar pesticides in foodstuffs by IC-MS
  • Application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using silver and gold nanoparticles for the detection of pesticides in fruit and fruit juice
  • Raman spectrum classification based on transfer learning by a convolutional neural network: Application to pesticide detection
  • Low‐field NMR for quality control on oils
  • 食物掃描器結合App 成分一掃即知
  • NMR based fully automated FoodScreener (Food Analysis)
  • Recent advances in assessing qualitative and quantitative aspects of cereals using nondestructive techniques: A review
  • Design of a portable spectrophotometric system part II: Using a digital microscope as detector
  • Prospects of artificial meat: Opportunities and challenges around consumer acceptance
  • High resolution mass spectral data from the analysis of copper chlorophylls and copper chlorophyll degradation products in bright green table olives
  • The rawrr R Package: Direct Access to Orbitrap Data and Beyond
  • AlpsNMR: an R package for signal processing of fully untargeted NMR-based metabolomics
  • Software solutions for evaluation and visualization of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging (LA‑ICP‑MSI) data: a short overview
  • massPix: an R package for annotation and interpretation of mass spectrometry imaging data for lipidomics
  • One ice cream puppy, please
  • Ice Cream Puppy Treats On Sale In Taiwan
  • Realistic puppy-shaped ice cream sold in Taiwan
  • 擬真狗狗冰光榮返鄉! 屏東「勝利星村」現在吃得到了
  • course_0927_2021.pdf
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartI
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartII
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartIII
  • Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartIV
  • Analysis of Soft Drinks: UV Spectrophotometry, Liquid Chromatography, and Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Spectrophotometric Analysis of a Mixture Caffeine and Benzoic Acid.pdf
  • Taiwan FDA official method for preservatives
  • ISO 5518:2007 Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Determination of benzoic acid content — Spectrophotometric method
  • Spectrophotometric Estimation of Benzoic and Sorbic Acids
  • Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Sorbic Acid in Various Food Samples with Iron(ll1) and 2-Thiobarbituric Acid as Reagents
  • Direct quantitation of the preservatives benzoic and sorbic acid in processed foods using derivative spectrophotometry combined with micro dialysis
  • WinMLR program for the determination of sorbic and benzoic acids in food samples
  • ISO 9231:2008 Milk and milk products — Determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
  • ISO 22855:2008 Fruit and vegetable products — Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid concentrations — High-performance liquid chromatography method
  • A heating-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction approach using menthol: Separation of benzoic acid in juice samples followed by HPLC-UV determination
  • A simple and highly-available microextraction of benzoic and sorbicacids in beverages and soy sauce samples for high performance liquidchromatography with ultraviolet detectionIrina
  • Absolute quantification for benzoic acid in processed foods using quantitative proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
  • Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with surface enhanced Raman scattering for the rapid detection of sodium benzoate
  • Thin-film microextraction coupled to surface enhanced Raman scattering for the rapid detection of benzoic acid in carbonated beverages
  • Rapid Approach to Determine Propionic and Sorbic Acid Contents in Bread and Bakery Products Using 1H NMR Spectroscopy
  • Microfluidic colorimetric analysis system for sodium benzoate detection in foods
  • Novel strategy for food safety risk management and communication: Risk identification for benzoic acid residues in pickled vegetables
  • SERS detection of sodium thiocyanate and benzoic acid preservatives in liquid milk using cysteamine functionalized core-shelled nanoparticles
  • 3D printed portable instruments based on affordable electronics, smartphones and open-source microcontrollers suitable for monitoring food quality
  • Analytical devices based on light-emitting diodes – a review of the state-of-the-art
  • A smartphone-based colorimetry after dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for rapid quantification of calcium in water and food samples
  • Portable and selective colorimetric film and digital image colorimetry for detection of iron
  • Hyperbolic subtraction method: Determination of the concentration of an analyte in the presence of an unknown interferent via spectral data
  • A handheld laser-induced fluorescence detector for multiple applications
  • Speciation analysis based on digital image colorimetry: Iron (II/III) in white wine
  • A greener, fast, and cost-effective smartphone-based digital image procedure for quantification of ethanol in distilled beverages
  • A novel spot test based on digital images for determination of methanol in biodiesel
  • Digital imaging devices as sensors for iron determination
  • Portable and Autonomous Device for Real-time Colorimetric Detection: Validation for Phosphorous and Nitrite Detection
  • Low-cost and open-source strategies for chemical separations
  • course_1004_2021.pptx
  • Barnsley_fern
  • Mandelbrot plot
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3SULm-a3E4
  • Why convert benzoate in soda to benzoic acid for spectroscopy experiment?
  • BA_1018_2021.xlsx
  • BA_1018_2021_PPT
  • A simple method for spectrophotometric determination of two-components with overlapped spectra
  • An analytical chemistry experiment in simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of Fe(III) and Cu(II) with hexacyanoruthenate(II) reagent
  • Application of Gold-Nanoparticle Colorimetric Sensing to Rapid Food Safety Screening
  • Carbon quantum dot-based sensors for food safety
  • BA_1-5ppm_cal_curve_1025_2021.html
  • BA_1-5ppm_1018_2021.csv
  • BA_6-10ppm_1101_2021.xlsx
  • Consumer-friendly food allergen detection: moving towards smartphone-based immunoassays
  • rfishdraw_demo.html
  • BA_beer_law.xlsx
  • BA_SA_1122_2021.pdf
  • ba_sa_1122_2021.xlsx
  • ba_sa_1129_2021.xlsx
  • basa_1206_2021.xlsx
  • sorbic_1213_2021.xlsx
  • sorbic_1213_2021.pdf
  • Biuret_Protein_Assay.pdf
  • Markwell_1978
  • Lowry_1951
  • Finete.V-L-M_2013.pdf
  • biuret_1220_2021.pdf
  • A real-time smartphone-enabled time since death estimation from vitreous humour protein
  • Quantifying Protein Concentrations Using Smartphone Colorimetry: A New Method for an Established Test
  • AOACbook2006Lee
  • Giusti2001
  • grape_juice_USB4000_anthocyanin_0529_2020
Teacher / 泰聖

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