1101Food Analysis and Experiment II -四技食品境專三甲
上課期間:從 即日起 到 無限期
Process Analytical Technology in the food industry
Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Coupled to Chemometrics as a Cost-Effective, Rapid, and Non-Destructive Tool for Fish Fraud Control: Monitoring Source, Condition, and Nutritional Value of Five Common Whitefish Species
Non-Destructive Measurement of the Internal Quality of Citrus Fruits Using a Portable NIR Device
Quantification of the distributions of gluten, starch and air bubbles in dough at different mixing stages by fluorescence fingerprint imaging
Detection of Food Residues on Stainless Steel Surfaces Using Fluorescence Fingerprint
HYPER-Tools Free Graphical User Interface Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Analysis
The Quadram Institute Example Datasets for Download
Public data sets for multivariate data analysis
Application of Functional Data Analysis and FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy to Discriminate Wine Spirits Ageing Technologies
FTIR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis Can Distinguish the Geographic Origin of Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Olive oil assessment in edible oil blends by means of ATR-FTIR and chemometrics
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021 PartI
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartII
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartIII
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 13 2021PartIV
Single-digit ppm quantification of melamine in powdered milk driven by computer vision
Chemometrics-assisted color histogram-based analytical systems
Feasibility study on quantification and authentication of the cassava starch content in wheat flour for bread-making using NIR spectroscopy and digital images
Scaling the Analytical Information Given by Several Types of Colorimetric and Spectroscopic Instruments Including Smartphones: Rules for Their Use and Establishing Figures of Merit of Solid Chemosensors
Application of Raman Spectroscopic Methods in Food Safety: A Review
Different Method For Moisture Measurement
Polar pesticides in foodstuffs by IC-MS
Application of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using silver and gold nanoparticles for the detection of pesticides in fruit and fruit juice
Raman spectrum classification based on transfer learning by a convolutional neural network: Application to pesticide detection
Low‐field NMR for quality control on oils
食物掃描器結合App 成分一掃即知
NMR based fully automated FoodScreener (Food Analysis)
Recent advances in assessing qualitative and quantitative aspects of cereals using nondestructive techniques: A review
Design of a portable spectrophotometric system part II: Using a digital microscope as detector
Prospects of artificial meat: Opportunities and challenges around consumer acceptance
High resolution mass spectral data from the analysis of copper chlorophylls and copper chlorophyll degradation products in bright green table olives
The rawrr R Package: Direct Access to Orbitrap Data and Beyond
AlpsNMR: an R package for signal processing of fully untargeted NMR-based metabolomics
Software solutions for evaluation and visualization of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging (LA‑ICP‑MSI) data: a short overview
massPix: an R package for annotation and interpretation of mass spectrometry imaging data for lipidomics
One ice cream puppy, please
Ice Cream Puppy Treats On Sale In Taiwan
Realistic puppy-shaped ice cream sold in Taiwan
擬真狗狗冰光榮返鄉! 屏東「勝利星村」現在吃得到了
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartI
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartII
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartIII
Food Analysis and Experiment II 09 27 2021PartIV
Analysis of Soft Drinks: UV Spectrophotometry, Liquid Chromatography, and Capillary Electrophoresis
Spectrophotometric Analysis of a Mixture Caffeine and Benzoic Acid.pdf
Taiwan FDA official method for preservatives
ISO 5518:2007 Fruits, vegetables and derived products — Determination of benzoic acid content — Spectrophotometric method
Spectrophotometric Estimation of Benzoic and Sorbic Acids
Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Sorbic Acid in Various Food Samples with Iron(ll1) and 2-Thiobarbituric Acid as Reagents
Direct quantitation of the preservatives benzoic and sorbic acid in processed foods using derivative spectrophotometry combined with micro dialysis
WinMLR program for the determination of sorbic and benzoic acids in food samples
ISO 9231:2008 Milk and milk products — Determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
ISO 22855:2008 Fruit and vegetable products — Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid concentrations — High-performance liquid chromatography method
A heating-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction approach using menthol: Separation of benzoic acid in juice samples followed by HPLC-UV determination
A simple and highly-available microextraction of benzoic and sorbicacids in beverages and soy sauce samples for high performance liquidchromatography with ultraviolet detectionIrina
Absolute quantification for benzoic acid in processed foods using quantitative proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with surface enhanced Raman scattering for the rapid detection of sodium benzoate
Thin-film microextraction coupled to surface enhanced Raman scattering for the rapid detection of benzoic acid in carbonated beverages
Rapid Approach to Determine Propionic and Sorbic Acid Contents in Bread and Bakery Products Using 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Microfluidic colorimetric analysis system for sodium benzoate detection in foods
Novel strategy for food safety risk management and communication: Risk identification for benzoic acid residues in pickled vegetables
SERS detection of sodium thiocyanate and benzoic acid preservatives in liquid milk using cysteamine functionalized core-shelled nanoparticles
3D printed portable instruments based on affordable electronics, smartphones and open-source microcontrollers suitable for monitoring food quality
Analytical devices based on light-emitting diodes – a review of the state-of-the-art
A smartphone-based colorimetry after dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for rapid quantification of calcium in water and food samples
Portable and selective colorimetric film and digital image colorimetry for detection of iron
Hyperbolic subtraction method: Determination of the concentration of an analyte in the presence of an unknown interferent via spectral data
A handheld laser-induced fluorescence detector for multiple applications
Speciation analysis based on digital image colorimetry: Iron (II/III) in white wine
A greener, fast, and cost-effective smartphone-based digital image procedure for quantification of ethanol in distilled beverages
A novel spot test based on digital images for determination of methanol in biodiesel
Digital imaging devices as sensors for iron determination
Portable and Autonomous Device for Real-time Colorimetric Detection: Validation for Phosphorous and Nitrite Detection
Low-cost and open-source strategies for chemical separations
Mandelbrot plot
Why convert benzoate in soda to benzoic acid for spectroscopy experiment?
A simple method for spectrophotometric determination of two-components with overlapped spectra
An analytical chemistry experiment in simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of Fe(III) and Cu(II) with hexacyanoruthenate(II) reagent
Application of Gold-Nanoparticle Colorimetric Sensing to Rapid Food Safety Screening
Carbon quantum dot-based sensors for food safety
Consumer-friendly food allergen detection: moving towards smartphone-based immunoassays
A real-time smartphone-enabled time since death estimation from vitreous humour protein
Quantifying Protein Concentrations Using Smartphone Colorimetry: A New Method for an Established Test
教師 / 泰聖