1101实务专题 I -夜四技食品四甲
上课期间:从 即日起 到 无限期



  • Insecticide fipronil and its transformation products in human blood and urine: Assessment of human exposure in general population of China
  • Probabilistic modelling of Escherichia coli concentration in raw milk under hot weather conditions
  • Prospects of artificial meat: Opportunities and challenges around consumer acceptance
  • A comparison of antioxidative capacities of fruit juices, drinks and nectars, as determined by EPR and UV–vis spectroscopies
  • High sensitive and efficient detection of edible oils adulterated with used frying oil by electron spin resonance
  • Determination of antioxidant capacity of diverse fruits by electron spin resonance (ESR) and UV–vis spectrometries
  • Single-digit ppm quantification of melamine in powdered milk driven by computer vision
  • Scaling the Analytical Information Given by Several Types of Colorimetric and Spectroscopic Instruments Including Smartphones: Rules for Their Use and Establishing Figures of Merit of Solid Chemosensors
  • 1101實務專題 I 夜四技食品四甲 2021 09 15 Part I
  • 1101實務專題 I 夜四技食品四甲 2021 09 15 Part II
  • Microplastic constituent identification from admixtures by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy: The use of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and nylon (NY) as the model constituents
  • deMedeirosBack.H_2022
  • Morgado_2021sup
  • mp_classification-master
  • Xu.J-L_2019
  • 農產品安全快速檢測技術
  • 食醋生產安全性研究及未來發展趨勢
  • 泡菜產業現代加工關鍵技術與調控
  • 葡萄酒摻假檢測技術研究與真實性保障方案
  • 葡萄酒與烈酒真實性檢測與溯源技術
  • 安捷倫液質聯用技術在化妝品檢驗分析中的應用
  • 小型拉曼光譜設備在農藥殘留領域的應用
  • 化學計量學
  • pyGCMS Webinar
  • 用Origin導入Python客製化函式及展示PRO版內建機器學習應用
  • how to make a PUG DOG ICE CREAM CAKE!
  • 擬真狗狗冰光榮返鄉! 屏東「勝利星村」現在吃得到了
  • One ice cream puppy, please
  • Realistic puppy-shaped ice cream sold in Taiwan
  • Ice Cream Puppy Treats On Sale In Taiwan
  • Quantifying Protein Concentrations Using Smartphone Colorimetry: A New Method for an Established Test
  • A real-time smartphone-enabled time since death estimation from vitreous humour protein
教师 / 泰聖


1101健康产业行销与管理 -五专食品四甲
1101职场实务I -夜四技食品四甲
1101食品认识及采购 -五专食品二甲
1101(HUFI-2020)Nutriology -四技食品境专二甲