1101英文 V -五專護三乙
Course Period:Now ~ Any Time
LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices

Course Intro

Course Plan

  • Unit 1重點Part 1 Admission to the Hospital
  • Week 1 Online class
  • Week 1 -2Online class
  • Week 3 Online class (1)同步上課
  • Week 3 ONline class (2) 同步
  • 第一課重點Part 2
  • Unit 1 廳力
  • Unit 1 重點(part 1)Admission to the Hospital
  • Week 1 Online class
  • Week 3(1) Online class同步上課
  • Week 3(2) Online class 同步上課
  • Unit 1 重點檔案(Part 2)
  • Unit 1 聽力
  • Unit 2 聽力
  • Unit 3 聽力
  • Unit 4 聽力
  • Unit 5 聽力
  • Unit 6 聽力
  • Week 1-2
  • Quiz 1
  • Quiz 2
  • PVQC醫護單字(1)
  • PVQC 醫護單字(2)
  • 基護英文單字
  • 總複習Unit 1-2 (Week 8)
  • 課外補充2021-11-30
  • 文法補充(2021-1206)
Teacher / 楊雪櫻

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LINE sharing feature only supports mobile devices